Warning Signs Of Compulsive Gambling

Pathological gambling (like behavioral addictions in general) is characterized by which of the following? Repeated unsuccessful efforts to cut back or stop the behavior #2. Inability to control the behavior #3. Jeopardizing or losing job, relationship, or educational or career opportunity. Like other behavioral addictions, gambling addiction is a controversial idea. Many experts balk at the idea that gambling can constitute an addiction, believing that there has to be a psychoactive substance that produces symptoms, such as physical tolerance and withdrawal, for an activity to be a true addiction. The many labels used to describe gambling problems are a source of confusion for the public and frustration for researchers. Commonly used terms include “problem”, “at risk”, “compulsive”, “disordered”, and “pathological” gambling. Compulsive gambling is prevalent in America, more commonplace than you could ever imagine. Yearly, over two million Americans struggle with gambling addiction. There are signs, only if you can pay close attention. In this piece, we will share with you some of the signs your loved one has a gambling addiction. Here are some warning signs to look.

Last updated: 10/25/2018
Author: Addictions.com Medical Review

Reading Time: 4minutes

Compulsive gambling is often referred to as a “silent killer” simply because an addiction to gambling does not always readily stand out. The signs of gambling addiction are often overlooked as something else such as a desire to play games, an urge to win money or anything but a compulsive disorder that is out of control. Often times, the desire to gamble is so strong and the addiction is so serious that severe personal and social consequences, even death, can result.

It may be difficult to recognize the signs of gambling addiction for one reason or another. According to the US National Library of Medicine, chronic gamblers often lead seemingly normal lives but in the background, there is a serious problem at hand. Eventually, the addiction will cause destructive outcomes and there will be no mistaking the signs of gambling addiction; at that point, the biggest concern will be where to find help.

1. Obsession with Gambling

Warning Signs Of Compulsive Gambling Laws

Stealing in order to gamble is a sign of addiction.

One of the most common signs of gambling addiction is the obsession that comes with it. Gambling addicts are obsessed with gambling and may be preoccupied with gambling to a point in which they don’t care about anything else. Compulsive thoughts about gambling or gambling obsessively to a point in which it causes other problems in your life are just a few of the common signs of gambling addiction.

2. Unable to Stop Gambling

Warning signs of compulsive gambling disorder

Have you tried to quit gambling, made an honest commitment to quit and failed? If you are unable to stop gambling despite your desire to do so, you could be a gambling addict. The inability to quit even when you want to is one of many signs of gambling addiction that most addicts tend to immediately overlook or write off as something else.

3. Gambling Despite Consequences

Has gambling caused problems in your life such as financial difficulties, loss of a job or relationship problems? Many addicts and their loved ones tend to overlook even the most prominent signs of gambling addiction such as those which are present when excessive gambling is causing consequences in life and yet the individual continues to gamble anyway.

4. Psychological Withdrawal when NOT Gambling

Sometimes, the signs of gambling addiction are very similar to the signs of other addictions such as a drug or alcohol addiction. Psychologically, when a gambling addict is not gambling, he or she may be irritable, depressed or restless. These are all signs of emotional withdrawal which results when an addict is obsessed with gambling and has a perceived “need” to gamble in order to be happy.

5. Gambling to Improve Happiness

Do you or does someone you know seemingly gamble in order to be happy or have fun? If gambling is a necessary component of your happiness or elevated mood, there’s a good chance that gambling addiction is to blame. This is one of many commonly overlooked signs of gambling addiction that both addicts and those who are close to them tend to mistake for some other problem. Gambling to mask problems, feel happy or otherwise improve your emotions is a sure sign that there is a bigger problem at hand.

6. Stealing or Otherwise Breaking the Law to Gamble

An addict will often break the law in order to have the money that they need to gamble or to recover their losses. Stealing, committing fraud or otherwise breaking the law to fuel the habit are all signs of gambling addiction that should not be overlooked and which could lead to greater consequences including jail time or probation.

7. Denying that there is a Problem


Denial is a common sign of addiction and to state that there is not a problem when there really is happens to be common ground amongst addicts. If you suspect that a loved one has a gambling problem and you have hard evidence to back it up yet he or she continues to deny the problem, it could be time to seek professional help.

8. Financial Problems

One of the most prevalent signs of gambling addiction is financial problems that result from the compulsive gambling disorder. A friend may all off a sudden have problems with his or her personal finances or they may ask to borrow money often. Compulsive gamblers depend on others to provide them with money either to gamble or to pay expenses because they lost their money gambling.

9. Mood Swings

Compulsive gambling, especially when the gambling takes place as part of a double life in which friends and family are unaware, can lead to excessive mood swings. Mood swings are often overlooked or mistaken for upset that is not the result of the addiction but most often, mood swings are one of the signs of gambling addiction that should be spotted early on.

Warning Signs Of Compulsive Gambling

10. Hiding Gambling Behavior

As compulsive gambling progresses, and the addict comes under scrutiny from his or her friends or family members, it is not uncommon for the addict to begin hiding gambling behaviors. Hiding the behavior is one of the more common signs of gambling addiction and also one that’s really hard for outsiders to spot because they don’t know what’s going on—but for the addict, recognizing that it’s wrong to hide behaviors from loved ones is a step in the right direction when it comes to finding help for a compulsive gambling disorder.

We all have our issues – difficulties and temptations that are beyond our control. These are part of the elements that shape us and make us the individuals that we are today. How we react to stress goes a long in shaping our future. Stressors are major factors defining pathological disorder. Just like other addictive behaviors, the issues surrounding addiction go far beyond gambling – its more about our reactions to the gambling activity.

You have plans to spend the next weekend on a trip to Vegas to spend some time with friends. For lots of people, it’s usually a controlled habit. Things can get out of hand sometimes – especially for someone with compulsive gambling behaviors.

Compulsive gambling is prevalent in America, more commonplace than you could ever imagine. Yearly, over two million Americans struggle with gambling addiction. There are signs, only if you can pay close attention. In this piece, we will share with you some of the signs your loved one has a gambling addiction.

Here are some warning signs to look out for.

A gambling addict will display most of these signs. The effects of gambling can the equated to that of drugs and alcohol addiction. The results can be as devastating as alcohol /drugs, even deadly in some cases. We’ve heard stories of people committing suicide an aftereffect of losing everything to gambling addiction.

They become secretive about their finances.

One of the few signs your loved one has a gambling problem is that they become secretive about everything. More importantly, they become secretive about their finances, and their payslips. ‘investing’ hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars into gambling takes its toll on gamblers.

Over time, they keep their financial records away, making it difficult for other family members, especially their significant others from accessing it. That’s when they start asking you some strange questions such as “can you lend me some cash?”. Whether it’s the drive to keep gambling or out of shame, they struggle to keep their finances in check.

Obsession – they find it hard to stop.

No sign beats this. This is when your loved one lives revolve around gambling. They can’t stop talking about it. They tell you or any other person that cares to listen about their past gambling experiences – the game they won, and many more they’ve lost. You’ll often catch them on their laptop or smartphones surfing through online casinos or placing bets. It doesn’t seem to matter how many times they’ve promised to quite; they seem to fall back.

They take lots of time over simple tasks.

You know how active your partner is; that’s why it’s easy to spot the strange occurrence. When your partner can’t complete simple tasks in the home, they take hours to complete tasks that should take less than a minute. They go out to pick up a few things, and they are nowhere to be found after that. You noticed it because it is becoming a common trend at home. If you can relate to this, then chances are, your loved one has a gambling problem.

They are showing withdrawal symptoms when they aren’t gambling.

When a problem gambler stops gambling, emotional withdrawal symptoms can occur, even if it’s just for a day. These withdrawal symptoms may include depression, decreased sleep, irritability, loss of appetite, anxiety, and wavy sex drive. When in this state, a compulsive gambler thinks he needs to gamble in order to feel ‘whole’ again. That’s as clear as it can get.

Reporting feeling depressed, hopeless, or always having their energy sapped out.

When your loved one report to you that they often feel depressed, hopeless, and frustrated, then its time to see a professional. These are all signs of gambling addiction, one that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. You will do yourself a whole lot of good by listening to them.

This could be your chance to get to the bottom of it by reaching out to a rehab center. Compulsive gamblers have an increased risk of developing health conditions like sleep deprivation, peptic ulcer disease, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases.

They express Remorse or Guilt after gambling.

When your loved one expresses remorse or guilt after gambling, then this may be the sign you are looking for. Gambling under control can be fun. But where do you draw the line? People struggling with this form of addiction are unable to control themselves.

Money and household items start missing.

When the problem spirals down, these are the types of signs you’ll be seeing. At this stage, the condition won’t only affect the gambler, and the ripple effect will be felt by their family members and loved ones (you). This is when money starts to miss, problem gamblers in search of funds will sell their items, home appliances, and steal money too. This kind of behavior has a negative impact on the gambler’s home.

Financial Problems.

Warning Signs Of Compulsive Gambling Disorders

Speaking of finance, most of the issues you’ll start to witness includes:

Warning Signs Of Compulsive Gambling Behavior

  • Using unhealthy medium to get money from others. For instance, using falsehoods or charm.
  • They often ask to borrow money to cover some strange expenses.
  • They make excuses – lots of reasons as to why they are unable to pay back the loan.
  • Inability to pay bills.

So many dysfunctions


They can’t live a day without trouble. They are faced with it at work; they have difficulty maintaining their relationships and withdraw from social gatherings a lot.

Warning Signs Of Compulsive Gambling

If you’ve seen any of these signs, its time to do something drastic about it, seek professional help and get ready to be faced with a denial because that’s what they will show you—lots of it. Talk to trusted friends, discuss it with other family members, and notify them of their strange behavior. Rather than leaving them out to dry, encourage them, and give them the support they need at this point.

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